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Kenya is a country of wildlife, landscapes, lakes, tropical coastline, culture, history and friendly welcoming people. Kenya has geographical diversity from snow-capped peaks, a Rift Valley with extinct volcanoes and hot springs, wide open plains, forest and coastline with reefs and magnificent beaches. A well developed tourist infrastructure with hotels, lodges, campsites an efficient transport system and lots of activities make Kenya a popular tourist destination.

This is the Kenya of travel brochures.

The Lord has called us to minister to the Kenya that can’t be found in any travel brochure.

Follow this Adventures in Missions Team as they begin ministering in Kibera in NairobiKenya. Kibera is the largest slum in Africa with a population of perhaps one million. It is only about the size of Central Park in New York City.

“It is difficult to process everything we have seen here. Our team is holding to the truth that Jesus is enough for any situation, problem, or curse. We desire to see Jesus victorious in this place that looks so much like the work of the enemy.

We want to give you a picture of what we are seeing, however words do no justice to what is happening in Kibera. Each day as we walk deep into Kibera we walk on train tracks on a hill overlooking the slums. The view is almost beautiful; almost.

Thousands of rusted tin roofs patch together a quilt of homes. However, once inside the slums the only beautiful thing is the people.

The chaos is overwhelming; small one room houses are built right on top of each other creating a literal maze. Nothing is growing; it is surprising to see life of any kind sustained here. Small rivers of sewage break through the earth at every turn. The stench lays thick and different foul aromas assault you at each corner. Piles of trash lay four feet high in some places. The garbage is so thick at some points you feel like you are walking on pillows.

Here in the midst of the most repulsive place we have ever been lives the most welcoming people we have ever known. We are greeted warmly by each person. “Welcome to Kenya, thank you for coming to Kibera!” This week we have been ministering door to door in the slum. Each home invites us inside and we pray for and encourage the families.

This week we visited a man name Abraham and his sick wife, Margaret. Abraham was amazed that God had not forgotten him, and that God would send foreigners to his home to remind him of His love for him. Abraham and his wife recommitted their lives to Jesus.

A woman named Mary said she had heard the name of Jesus, but when our team shared with her the gospel of grace she wanted to receive Jesus. Several of the team members lead Mary and her sixteen year old daughter to Christ that day.

We spent yesterday at a school with 420 students. Their assembly hall could barely hold all of the students. The hall is made of mud and sticks with a large tin roof. The lighting is dim, but the spirits were high. When our team arrived we were met with a symphony of cheers. We did a bible lesson on the love of God.

Each child made a heart shaped banner and decorated it with “Jesus loves me!” I can still picture the sea of 420 children spreading across the slum to their homes. 420 banners saying “Jesus loves me” spreading across Kibera. What a

beautiful thing.”